Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year! Not Baking Jan. 8-15 due to Big News!!

Happy New Year!

I hope that your New Year is fabulous! Mine is the busiest ever so far! We are packing to move into our new house next weekend (we close the 9th and move the 10th), and I got engaged on New Year's Day! So it's been an exciting whirlwind. If any of you would like to join us in our Wallpaper Removal Party, that will be Friday the 9th, all night long. : ) It's everywhere.

In light of that, it makes baking a bit difficult so I'm taking a hiatus while I move, sort, and find all my stuff again. : ) Feel free to email me about any cookies you need in the coming months.

Cookie of the Month cookies should be ready by Monday, Jan. 19.

Take care!